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3D printer for cheap!

Trusted Member

Found an awesome coupon for an Ender 3 Pro 3d printer at MicroCenter. Can only be used in stores but you can get it for right around $100. Definitely going to pick one up this weekend or next weekend. Just have to fill out the form and they'll text you the coupon. 

For anyone unfamiliar, the ender 3 is a super popular name in budget 3d printing. Tons of people have used them and developed upgrades to the platform to make it even better. Ill be sure to give an update once I get mine.


Topic starter Posted : February 4, 2022 12:47 pm
Sam liked
Member Admin

Damn, too bad the closest one is 4 or 5 hours away, otherwise I'd snag one of those bad boys.  I've been thinking of getting one.  Was gonna go with a Prusa, like $750 unit, but at this price I'd grab one of these too lol.


Posted : February 4, 2022 4:19 pm
Estimable Member

@sam agreed. For $100 that's too cheap to beat. Glad to hear you've settled on the Prusa @sam, it'll treat you right.

Posted : February 4, 2022 8:30 pm
Sam liked
Trusted Member

Got it all thrown together, instructions were pretty vague but wasn't too bad overall. Did some test prints and got it dialed in. Definitely worth the $100

Topic starter Posted : February 16, 2022 8:25 am
Sam and NukesMurphy liked
Estimable Member

@bmschrowang welcome to the addiction... I mean hobby! Let me know if you have any questions and happy printing!

Posted : February 16, 2022 3:09 pm
Sam and BMSchrowang liked
Member Admin

@bmschrowang nice!  I just got a Ender 3 v2.  It's like crack lol.  And I gotta say, I'm absolutely blown away by the quality of the prints this thing puts out.  It's just crazy.  Maybe I got a great machine or something, but I'm super happy so far.

Now I've diving into Fusion 360 and 3D modeling so I can design and print all my own shit, which is pretty exciting.  Eventually, I'll use what I've learned to dive into milling and CNC, which I'm stoked about as well.

Posted : February 18, 2022 10:32 am
Trusted Member

@sam Glad to see you made the jump, its a dangerously fun hobby. I've heard great things about fusion 360 but haven't tried it yet. I've personally used SketchUp and SolidWorks to model prints depending on the complexity of the part. Ender has a great starter platform and helpful community to learn from.

Topic starter Posted : February 18, 2022 10:53 am
Sam liked
Member Admin

@bmschrowang Do you have access to solidworks through your job?  I've heard licensing is ridiculously expensive.  So far I'm absolutely happy with fusion 360, it seems like it'll do pretty much everything I could ever need.

Posted : February 18, 2022 11:22 am
Trusted Member

@sam Yes its ignorantly expensive for a license, however it's not too hard to "aquire" a copy of the software if you know where to look

Topic starter Posted : February 18, 2022 12:13 pm
Sam liked
Member Admin

Ok, this is impressive 😂

Posted : February 19, 2022 10:11 am
Jen Jeff
Active Member

Sounds great! For CNC services, we recommend using as they have a variety of services and parts available for 3D printing. They provide quality services that allow customers to customize their machines according to their needs. Moreover, they offer competitive prices and fast delivery time so you can quickly get your CNC machine running. So if you're looking for quality CNC machine services, look no further than .

This post was modified 1 year ago by Jen Jeff
Posted : May 16, 2023 6:13 am

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