Vardenafil is a generic pharmaceutical medication that is administered by physicians to patients with erectile dysfunction. It is also a necessary component of many marketed pharmaceutical medications, including Staxyn and Levitra, among others. Vardenafil vs Sildenafil: Compare Their Side Effects, Dosage, Uses. Here is a quick comparison of generic medications Vardenafil and Sildenafil, along with some commonalities.
A generic medication called vardenafil is a necessary ingredient in several branded medications including Staxyn and Levitra. It should only be taken once a day and only when necessary. There is no dose schedule for it. Oral vardenafil tablets are normally prescribed at least sixty minutes prior to sexual activity. One Vardenafil tablet taken orally can have an impact for up to four hours or occasionally much longer. Vardenafil can dramatically lower blood pressure, so it should be avoided if the patient is already taking nitrate medication for heart issues or chest pain. When a person takes a medication for an extended period of time, side effects may emerge. The Drug Control Act does not apply to the medication vardenafil.
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